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Headlines--- Classified
Ads--Sales Managers Cartoon---Chad
Gifford, Fleet Bank Municipal Finance
3Q Credit Accelerate Downward Weekly Bulletin
Board Complaint Report 10/29/03 VC Investing
Maintains Steady Pace Q3 2003 News
Briefs---(Tyco Video download) This Border #####
Denotes Press Release (Not Written By Leasing News) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Classified
Ads---Sales Managers Sales Manager:
Atlanta, GA 30 years in transportation
Finance with strong management/ sales background. Represented company
on national & region markets. Started two successful operations-
produce profits and growth. Email:pml@mindspring.com
Sales Manager:
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX. Domestic-int'l exp.
Small to middle ticket. 24 yrs with Fortune 500 firms(2). Consistently
achieves margin/ volume goals. email: mfdp1101@charter.net Sales Manager:
New York, NY I have over 25 years
owning an independent leasing company that specialized in truck leasing.
Tow trucks, Limos, ambulances, tractors, etc.. Email:rfleisher@rsrcapital.com Sales Manager:
Orange County, CA. Experienced sales manager. Proven ability to
develop high volume vendor, direct or third party business. Seek sales
management, program management or senior sales origination role. email:
rmunson@socal.rr.com Sales Manager:
Portland, OR. 18+ yrs w/bank leasing company. Supervised 14- 20 sales
people. Willing to relocate for the proper position. Or, seeking sales
position in current location (13+yrs direct sales). email:pthygeson@netscape.net Sales Manager:
Seattle, WA Senior level sales
professional w/ (20) plus experience in mid market financing & leasing.
The last (8) plus years being self employed in middle market brokerage.
Email:markhenley@qwest.net Job Wanted Postings
at: ##### Press Release
############################## Feds Hold Interest Rate The Federal Open
Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the federal funds
rate at 1 percent. The Committee continues
to believe that an accommodative stance of monetary policy, coupled
with robust underlying growth in productivity, is providing important
ongoing support to economic activity. The evidence accumulated over
the intermeeting period confirms that spending is firming, and the labor
market appears to be stabilizing. Business pricing power and increases
in core consumer prices remain muted. The Committee perceives
that the upside and downside risks to the attainment of sustainable
growth for the next few quarters are roughly equal. In contrast, the
probability, though minor, of an unwelcome fall in inflation exceeds
that of a rise in inflation from its already low level. The Committee
judges that, on balance, the risk of inflation becoming undesirably
low remains the predominant concern for the foreseeable future. In these
circumstances, the Committee believes that policy accommodation can
be maintained for a considerable period. Voting for the FOMC
monetary policy action were: Alan Greenspan, Chairman; Ben S. Bernanke;
Susan S. Bies; J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr.; Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.; Edward
M. Gramlich; Jack Guynn; Donald L. Kohn; Michael H. Moskow; Mark W.
Olson; Robert T. Parry; and Jamie B. Stewart, Jr. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A31988-2003Oct28.html ### Press Release
############################### ________________________________________________________________________ Cartoon---Chad
Gifford, Fleet Bank ### Press Release
###################### Fitch:
U.S. Municipal Finance 3Q Credit Trends Accelerate Downward Fitch Ratings-New
York Over the last four quarters, U.S. public finance rating downgrades
and Negative Rating Watch and Negative Rating Outlook actions have significantly
outweighed positive rating actions, and this negative credit trend seems
to have accelerated in the third quarter, according to a new report
published today by Fitch Ratings. Fitch reported that third quarter
2003 downgrades in public finance exceeded upgrades by a ratio of 3.1:1,
significantly higher than the downgrade to upgrade ratio of 1.3:1 recorded
during the three quarters from October 2002 through June 2003. This trend is consistent
with Fitch's finding in its report 'Municipal Default Risk Revisited',
dated June 23, 2003, which noted there is often a one- year lag between
economic cycles and municipal default rates. 'The somewhat improved
economic picture has not yet fully worked its way through the municipal
sector' said Michael McDermott, director, Fitch Ratings. 'Fitch believes
that a more positive trend in municipal credit quality may be sometime
off in the future.' The new report is
the premier edition of Fitch's quarterly publication 'Credit Trends
in Public Finance' that will bring together rating changes and rating
watch/outlook status over the previous four quarters by Fitch Ratings'
public finance department, and provide sector specific commentary on
credit issues. The rating data are also put in the context of U.S. economic
indicators such as consumption, personal income, employment, new housing
starts, and gross domestic product. 'Health care accounted
for over one-half the downgrades in the third quarter, and Fitch continues
to have concerns in this sector.' said David Litvack, managing director,
Fitch Ratings. 'The overall expectation for the tax-backed sector is
mixed, with continued pressure expected for states as employment levels
are still below levels from February 2001.' The report 'Credit
Trends in Public Finance - Third Quarter 2003' can be found on the Fitch
web site at www.fitchratings.com' by linking to the 'Public Finance'
sector and clicking on 'Special Reports'. Contact: Michael
McDermott +1-212-908-0605 or David Litvack +1-212-908-0593, New York. ### Press Release
############################# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekly
Bulletin Board Complaint Report 10/29/03
complaints want to
with hold their name, and cannot investigate in that manner. Several of the complaints have signed lease
contracts, claiming non-performance,
but the contracts are different than the commitment letter, allowing
the lessor to keep all money. The
correspondence claims not all the conditions
were met. Looks like the only
course is “civil action.” Due to the dollar
amount involved, and action to be in Florida, as per the venue, most likely
the applicants will write-off the money ( one wants to sue the
broker in their state.) Leasing
News cannot name the Florida super-broker
at this time due to our policy of “fairness and accuracy.” 2. Have a very interesting one involving $300,000, from
the lessee, a well-respected broker, and attorney regarding a $300,000
California sale/leaseback. They
claim the lease was never consummated, meaning no money was giving to
the lessee; in fact, no money was given when the contract was signed
( a condition of the process, the applicant/broker
claim). The late Terminal Leasing*
in New York evidently sold the
signed lease contract to a major bank, who received payments for two years ( most
likely from Terminal) and is suing the lessee for lack of performance, meaning
defaulting on the lease. The
major bank claims a “hell and high water” clause
that the lease was signed, consideration (money for the contract) was
not necessary, venue in New York City, and the lessee is responsible
for making the payments. They are suing in Manhattan Federal court.
The lessee/applicant disputes the brokers role in the transaction and
claims if they lose, the company with 33 employees will be out of business.
Leasing News advised that after a search Terminal Leasing was not licensed
in the State of California. We
have asked the lessee/applicant for permission to
contact the major bank’s attorney to get their side of the story so we can print it. *Terminal Marketing, NY,NY (5/2001) Announcement all
assets for sale by creditors on May 31, 2001 at 2:00 p.m (3/2001) Brokers
report deals not being funded, commissions not paid, appears out of
broker ) in a financing commitment
letter and return of $4,000
advance rental deposit (what a mess, one of the broker’s said to open
an “escrow account,” but the applicant was “anxious.”. The commitment
letter states the money will be returned, but the Dallas, Texas “super
broker” does not respond. This may make the Leasing News Bulletin Board.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Press Release
########################### Venture
Capital Investing Maintains Steady Pace in Q3 2003 Life Sciences Show
Continuing Strength WASHINGTON, D.C., -- Venture capitalists invested $4.2 billion
in 667 entrepreneurial companies in the third quarter of 2003, continuing
the stable pace of investing seen for more than a year according to
the PricewaterhouseCoopers/Thomson Venture Economics/National Venture
Capital Association MoneyTree Survey.
The third quarter survey results represent a slight decline of
8% of dollars invested and 5% of number of deals compared to the second
quarter, but represent a slight up tick from the first quarter of this
year. For five consecutive quarters,
beginning with the third quarter of 2002, venture capitalists have invested
in the range of $4 billion per quarter, sustaining a healthy pace of
investing in new and existing portfolio companies. Tracy Lefteroff,
global managing partner of the venture capital practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers,
said: "We are settling back into a realistic balance between entrepreneurial
enthusiasm and venture capital risk. Within this more stable framework,
genuine innovation is nurtured to fruition over time, with appropriate
levels of investment along the way. At the same time, the renewed activity
in the IPO market encourages further confidence in future venture capital
investing." Mark Heesen, president
of the National Venture Capital Association, observed: "This ongoing,
sustainable investment level continues to support the fact that venture
capitalists are back to investing for the long-term at a consistent
pace. Confidence in our market is increasing, but
we are pleased that venture capitalists are showing prudence and patience
in light of some positive economic signs.
We are not looking for major swings in activity at this point." Sector And Industry
Analysis For the first time
in seven years, Biotechnology was the number one industry with $873
million, displacing Software as the leading category. Investments in
Biotechnology companies increased 31% from the previous quarter and
88% from a year ago. The broader Life Sciences sector, which includes
Biotechnology and Medical Devices & Equipment, totaled $1.24 billion,
an impressive 30% of all dollars invested, clearly demonstrating that
venture capitalists believe that the innovation occurring in these fields
will translate into profitable new products and services in the future. The Software industry
was down 11% compared to the previous quarter, dropping it into the
number two position with 160 companies receiving $819 million. Telecommunications
fell to a five-year low, of $492 million, but remained in third place.
Medical Devices with $376 million followed in fourth. Networking also
fell to a five-year low with $331 million, finishing fifth. First-Time Financings Despite the perception
that the venture environment is growing more receptive to brand new
start-up companies looking for initial capital, the percent of first-time
financings remained at similar levels seen in recent quarters. A total
of 148 companies received their first round of venture capital, representing
22% of all companies. They garnered $766 million, or 18% of all dollars
invested. Venture capitalists clearly continue to be discerning regarding
new investments. The ranking of industries
receiving first-time venture dollars varied notably from the overall
industry rankings. Software companies lead with 38 companies attracting
$138 million. Biotechnology was second with 16 companies and $72 million.
Medical Devices followed with 15 companies receiving $54 million. However,
Telecommunications and Networking both fell well down the list. Only
seven Telecommunications companies received first-time financing, nearing
an eight-year record low. Also, the number of Networking companies remained
depressed, with only six companies getting venture capital for the first
time. Stage of Development Venture capitalists
continued to put the majority of their money into expansion stage companies,
which made up 55% of the dollars invested in the third quarter, or $2.3
billion. Later stage companies
received 22%. And early stage companies received 20% of the dollars
invested, or $821 million. Again, these figures were similar to the
prior quarter with minor variations. The number of deals
at each stage also held to the general pattern of the prior quarter.
A total of 175 early stage companies accounted for 26% of all deals.
Later stage companies were 17% and expansion stage companies were about
half. According to Jesse
Reyes, vice president at Thomson Venture Economics, "The relatively
static distribution of investments across all stages of company development
confirms that the venture industry is no longer 'swinging for the fences'.
Rather, they are implementing a more conservative strategy that emphasizes
longer-term returns. The hurdles venture capitalists have set for initial
investing are higher than they were a few years ago. The goal is to
increase the odds of harvesting more winners out of their portfolios." About the PricewaterhouseCoopers/Thomson
Venture Economics/National Venture Capital Association
Money Tree Survey The MoneyTree(TM)
Survey measures cash-for-equity investments by the professional venture
capital community in private emerging companies in the U.S. The survey includes the investment activity of professional venture
capital firms with or without a US office, SBICs, venture arms of corporations,
institutions, investment banks and similar entities whose primary activity
is financial investing. Where there are other participants such as angels,
corporations, and governments in a qualified and verified financing
round the entire amount of the round is included. Qualifying transactions
include cash investments by these entities either directly or by participation
in various forms of private placement. All recipient companies are private,
and may have been newly-created or spun-out of existing companies. The survey excludes
debt, buyouts, recapitalizations, secondary purchases, IPOs, investments
in public companies such as PIPES (private investments in public entities),
investments for which the proceeds are primarily intended for acquisition
such as roll-ups, change of ownership, and other forms of private equity
that do not involve cash such as services-in-kind and venture leasing. Investee companies
must be domiciled in one of the 50 US states or DC even if substantial
portions of their activities are outside the United States. Data is primarily
obtained from a quarterly survey of venture capital practitioners. Information
is augmented by other research techniques including other public and
private sources. All data is subject to verification with the venture
capital firms and/or the investee companies.
Only professional independent venture capital firms, institutional
venture capital groups, and recognized corporate venture capital groups
are included in venture capital industry rankings. MoneyTree Survey
results are available online at www.pwcmoneytree.com, www.ventureeconomics.com,
and www.nvca.org. The National Venture
Capital Association (NVCA) represents over 450 venture capital and private
equity organizations. NVCA's
mission is to foster the understanding of the importance of venture
capital to the vitality of the U.S. and global economies, to stimulate
the flow of equity capital to emerging growth companies by representing
the public policy interests of the venture capital and private equity
communities at all levels of government, to maintain high professional
standards, facilitate networking opportunities and to provide research
data and professional development for its members. For more information
visit www.nvca.org. The PricewaterhouseCoopers
Private Equity & Venture Capital Practice is part of the Global
Technology Industry Group, www.pwcglobaltech.com. The group is comprised
of industry professionals who deliver a broad spectrum of services to
meet the needs of fast-growth technology start-ups and agile, global
giants in key industry segments: Networking & Computers, Software
& Internet, Semiconductors, Life Sciences and Private Equity &
Venture Capital. PricewaterhouseCoopers is a recognized leader in each
industry segment with services for technology clients in all stages
of growth. PricewaterhouseCoopers
(www.pwc.com) is the world's largest professional services organization. Drawing on the knowledge and skills of more
than 125,000 people in 142 countries, we build relationships by providing
services based on quality and integrity. Unless otherwise indicated,
"PricewaterhouseCoopers" refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited. Thomson Venture Economics,
a Thomson Financial company, is the foremost information provider for
equity professionals worldwide. Venture Economics offers an unparalleled
range of products from directories to conferences, journals, newsletters,
research reports, and the Venture Expert(TM) database. For over 40 years,
Venture Economics has been tracking the venture capital and buyouts
industry. Since 1961, it has been a recognized source for comprehensive
analysis of investment activity and performance of the private equity
industry. Venture Economics maintains long-standing relationships within
the private equity investment community, in-depth industry knowledge,
and proprietary research techniques. Private equity managers and institutional
investors alike consider Venture Economics information to be the industry
standard. For more information about Venture Economics, please visit
www.ventureeconomics.com. SOURCE National Venture Capital Association ### Press Release
############################# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leasing
Industry Help Wanted
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Briefs--- Southern
California Fire Up-Date http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/fires/031027fire_blog.html http://www.nbc4.tv/news/2583516/detail.html Consumer
confidence, durable goods rebound http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/business/20031028-1420-economy.html Proposed
Bank Merger Would Push Technology Envelope http://www.informationweek.com/shared/printableArticle.jhtml?articleID=15600792 An
unlikely candidate to be the guy who sold `The Bank' This
Tyco Videotape Has Been Edited for Content parts of video displayed,
editor for jury: http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/manufacturing/ http://img.coxnewsweb.com/B/04/41/31/image_231414.jpg http://img.coxnewsweb.com/B/05/41/31/image_231415.jpg http://play.rbn.com/?url=ap/vausa/g2demand/1028tyco_party_ Tobacco
Mergers Jolts Small Towns http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32991-2003Oct29.html http://www.ajc.com/business/content/business/1003/28maconjobs.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports
Briefs--- Niners
release K Pochman, sign K Peterson http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/10/29/49ERS.TMP Vikings
waive kicker Cortez http://www.theredzone.org/news/showarticle.asp?ArticleID=510 Owners
to decide on site of 2008 Super Bowl on Thursday: Arizona? http://www.theredzone.org/news/showarticle.asp?ArticleID=513 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gimme
that Wine” Vintners
Hope Smaller Picking Tubs Reap Big Benefits http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33144-2003Oct29.html Camas
Prairie Winery http://www.winesnw.com/CamasWineryListing.htm Wineries
of Calaveras County http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/ ________________________________________________________________________ This
Day in American History 1682
-William Penn lands in what will become Pennsylvania. He originally
called it Sylvania, but the King changed it to Pennsylvania in granted
the charter. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/PENN/pnintro.html http://www.2020site.org/penn/pennsylvania.html 1815-Birthday of Daniel Emmett DeCatur, creator of words and music
for the song “Dixie,” which became a fighting son for Confederate troops
and unofficial “national anthem” of the South, born Mt. Vernon, OH,
and died there June 28, 1904. 1837-Birthday of African-American folk artist Harriet Powers,
now nationally recognized for her quilts, born in rural Georgia. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/oct29.html 1863-Battle of Wauhatchie (Brown's Ferry) concludes: The troops
of Union General Ulysses S. Grant open a supply line into Chattanooga,
Tennessee, when they drive away a Confederate attack by General James
Longstreet. Although the Confederates still held the high ground above
Chattanooga, the new supply line allowed the Union to hold the city
and prepare for a major new offensive the next month. After the Battle
of Chickamauga in northern Georgia on September 19 and 20, the defeated
Union army of General William Rosecrans fled back to nearby Chattanooga.
Braxton Bragg's Confederates took up positions along Lookout Mountain
and Missionary Ridge to the east of the city. The Rebel lines made a
semicircle around the city, and Confederate guns closed traffic on the
Tennessee River. As a result, Union supplies had to come over a rugged
mountainous route from the west. This line was vulnerable to a Confederate
attack, and it made the Union's hold on Chattanooga tenuous at best.
On October 23, Grant arrived as the new commander of all western forces.
He immediately ordered two brigades to attack Brown's Ferry, where the
Confederates were blocking river traffic to Chattanooga. The Yankees
captured the ferry on October 27, then held off a counterattack to maintain
control. On the night of October 28, Longstreet mounted a much larger
attack to retake the crossing. The Confederates possessed superior numbers
but could not pry the Union troops from the river. In the dark, the
Yankees held and Longstreet withdrew his forces before dawn. The Union
suffered 78 killed, 327 wounded, and 15 missing, while the Confederates
suffered 34 killed, 305 wounded, and 69 missing. The Battle of Wauhatchie
was one of the few Civil War engagements that took place at night. As
a result of the battle, the Tennessee River was reopened for the Union
and supplies reached Grant's troops. One month later, Grant drove the
Confederates from the mountains around Chattanooga. http://www2.cr.nps.gov/abpp/battles/tn021.htm
http://roadsidegeorgia.com/int/1471 http://www.149th-nysv.org/Battles/wauhatchie_cr.htm 1902 -- Fredric Brown, American writer birthday.. One of the most
ingenious American crime, mystery writers, and also wrote science fiction
to overcome — as he said — the too real aspect of detective fiction.
He also wrote television plays for Alfred Hitchcock series. “Martian
Go Home” was one of his best sellers. His other notable novels include
Night of the Jabberwock (1951) and The Deep End (1952) http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/fbrown.htm http://www.hycyber.com/SF/brown_fredric.html http://members.tripod.com/~gwillick/brown.html http://www.ebookmall.com/alpha-authors/Fredric-Brown.htm 1921 – Birthday of Bill Mauldin (Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial
cartoonist: [1945, 1959], created G.I. Joe and Willie) Killed in action. http://www.stlouiswalkoffame.org/inductees/bill-mauldin.html 1922-Composer/arranger/trumpet player Neal Hefti Birthday http://web.mit.edu/klund/www/hefti.html 1923 -- "Runnin' Wild" (introducing the Charleston) opens
on Broadway. 1925- tenor saxophone player Zoot Sims born, Inglewood, CA. http://members.aol.com/plabjazz/zootsims.html 1925- History records “Howard Johnson’s “ as the first franchise
chain. The chain got it
s started when Howard Dearing Johnson, the proprietor of a drugstore
in Quincy, MA, began making ice cream with a hand-held crank to sell
at the soda fountain. Unable to finance additional restaurants on
his own. he began franchising his name and the formulas for his ice
cream and other specialties. The
first restaurant to which he granted a franchise, in 1932, was on Cape
Cod. Eventually, the chain had 600 restaurants across
the country. Johnson’s innovations
included the use of a central commissary to supply all franchises with
food of consistent quality and the sitting of diner along highways. 1929- Major Stock Market Crash as prices on the New York Stock
Exchange plummeted and virtually collapsed four days after President
Herbert Hoover had declared “The fundamental business of the country
... is on a sound and prosperous basis.” More than 16 million shares
were dumped and billions of dollars were lost. The boom was over and
the nation faced nearly a decade of depression. Some analysts had warned
that the buying spree, with prices 15 to 150 times above earnings, had
to stop at some point. Frightened investors ordered their brokers to
sell at whatever price. The resulting Great Depression, which lasted
until about 1939, involved North America, Europe and other industrialized
countries. In 1932 one out of four US workers was unemployed. http://www.authentichistory.com/audio/1930s/1930smusic01.html http://imusic.artistdirect.com/store/artist/album/0,,301462,00.html 1934-Birthday of alto sax player Jimmy Woods, St. Louis, MO http://shopping.yahoo.com/shop?d=product&id=1927008906&clink=dm http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=519095601 http://www.mediawars.ne.jp/~mundo/collect/file/jimmy-woods.html 1936 -- Singer Hank Snow makes his first recordings, "Lonesome
Blue Yodel" & "Prisoned Cowboy." http://www.harborside.com/~wchope/hanksnow.htm 1953—Top Hits 1954- Dizzy Gillespie and Roy Eldridge record “Trumpet Kings”
album, Verve. 1956 - John Cameron Swayze and "The Camel News Caravan"
were replaced by Chet Huntley and David Brinkley on NBC-TV. The "Huntley-Brinkley
Report" clicked so well that the respected newsmen reported nightly
until July of 1970. “Good night Chet. Good night David. And good night
from NBC News. 1960 - Cassius Clay won his first pro bout -- over Tunney Hunsaker
-- in six rounds in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. 1961 - The top, pop song on the charts belonged to Dion (DiMucci).
"Runaround Sue" was in its second week at the tiptop of the
top-tune tabulation (it was in the top 40 for three months). 1961—Top Hits 1962-Actor Sydney Poitier testifies before the House Committee
on Education and Labor, condemning the lack of opportunities for black
actors in Hollywood. Poitier was born in 1924 to poor farmers in the
Bahamas. He dropped out of school at age 13 and later joined the U.S.
Army. After his army stint, he became interested in performing and joined
the American Negro Theater. He debuted on Broadway in 1946 and three
years later made his film debut in a U.S. Army documentary. By the late
1950s, he was the leading African American actor in the country. In
1964, he became the first African American actor to win the Best Actor
Oscar, for his role as a laborer who helps build a chapel in Lilies
of the Field (1963). Other films include In the Heat of the Night
(1967) and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967). He began directing
in 1971 with Buck and the Preacher. In 1992, he won the American
Film Institute's Life Achievement Award, the first black actor and director
to be so honored. 1967-Hair, An American
Tribal Love-Rock Musical, opened at the Public Theater in New York City. The composer was Galt MacDermott. The musical, which appeared during the Vietnam
War, carried an antiwar message and aroused some controversy for its
glorification of “hippie” values, including a nude scene at the end
of the first act. The production moved to Broadway’s Biltmore Theater
in April, 1968. 1966- formation of the National Organization for Women to "bring
women into full participation in the mainstream of American society
NOW!" http://www.now.org/ 1969-Historians consider this the day the Internet was created.
The first connection on what would become the world wide web was made
on this day when bits of data flowed between computers at UCLA and the
Stanford Research Institute. This was the beginning of ARPANET, the
precursor to the Internet developed by the Department of Defense. By
the end of 1969, four sites were connected: UCLA, the Stanford Research
Institute, the University of California, Santa Barbara and the University
of Utah. By the next year there were 10 sites and soon there were applications
like email and file transfer utilities. The @ symbol was adopted in
1972 and a year later 75 percent of ARPANET traffic was e-mail. ARPANET
was decommissioned in 1990 and the National Science Foundation’s NSFnet
took over the role of backbone of the Internet. 1969—Top Hits 1970 - Neil Diamond received a nice package: a gold record for
the hit, "Cracklin’ Rosie". 1973 - O.J. Simpson set two NFL records this day. The Buffalo Bills’
star running back ran 39 times for 157 yards -- and he rushed for a
total of over 1,000 yards in only seven games. 1977—Top Hits 1981 - Loretta Lynn received a gold record for her album, "Greatest
Hits, Vol. 2". 1982- Car maker John DeLorean indicted for
drug trafficking in a government sting operation; later acquitted http://www.delorean-dmc12.co.uk/john_z_delorean.html http://www.babbtechnology.com/Collect/index.htm http://www.who2.com/johndelorean.html http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20010927.html 1983 - After four weeks at #1 on the pop music charts, Bonnie
Tyler’s "Total Eclipse of the Heart" slipped to #2 -- replaced
by "Islands in the Stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.
1984 - Golfing great Tom Watson won his sixth PGA Player of the
Year title; the most won by any golfer since the award was first given
in 1948. Jack Nicklaus had accumulated five of those titles. 1985—Top Hits 1996-The National Basketball Association got set to launch its
50th anniversary of all time, ten of the 50 spent significant
portions of their careers with the Boston Celtics. http://www.unc.edu/~lbrooks2/50.html 1998 - Hurricane Mitch (Oct 22-Nov 4, 1998), one of the strongest
Atlantic storms ever, made landfall, slamming into Honduras, Nicaragua,
Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and other Central American countries.
The real story was not the wind but the rain. Slow movement of the storm
caused heavy rain, resulting in widespread flooding and mudslides. Over
10,000 people were killed, another 10,000 were missing, and some two
million people were affected in some way by the storm. 1998 - The space shuttle Discovery blasted off, returning 77-year-old
U.S. Senator John Glenn to space some 36 years after he became the first
American in orbit. Glenn was part of a crew of seven astronauts shepherding
scientific payloads on the shuttle mission. 2001 -Commissioner Bud Selig says major league baseball is considering
eliminating two teams could by the start of next season. Contraction
would include the Montreal Expos and either the Minnesota Twins or the
Florida Marlins.
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